Samsung Galaxy S3 and Samsung Galaxy Note 2 might boot with Android 4.3

Hey Samsung Galaxy S3 and Samsung Galaxy Note 2 users, as we know that Samsung got Android 4.3 update (leaked), now it's even rumored that Samsung Galaxy S3 users and Samsung Galaxy Note 2 users will get Android 4.3 Update from Samsung. Google has not released Android 4.3 update officially but has sent the sources to Samsung for compiling Android 4.3 for Samsung Galaxy S4 and other devices, Galaxy S4's firmware of Android 4.3 was leaked and was released by Sammobiles, I actually don't know what actually happened. Tipsters from India's Samsung R&D said that Samsung are working on Android 4.2.2 and 4.3 update for Samsung Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2. Both the devices are still popular and many many people are buying Galaxy S3 even today. If the news is real then why Samsung are wasting their time on Android 4.2.2? Why don't they release just Android 4.3 as an update and forget about Android 4.2.2 because no one will use that, everyone will be using latest Android that will be Android 4.3 OS.

It looks that the update is delayed. It looks that the update might be rolling on November or December (Don't worry, it's 2013!). If Android 4.3 is released then the developers will compile Android 4.3 even faster than official Samsung developers. Some saying that Android 4.3 will be released on July-August but it seems that Google will release after August because it was rumored that Android 4.3 will be rolling on May 2013 but it's much time. We cannot wait! As soon the Samsung will release Android 4.3 for Galaxy Note 2, there will be much rumor so you will get to know that is it released or not, but they will not release officially until Google introduces us the Android 4.3. Samsung Galaxy S4 got update un-officially and users are enjoying that update.

So I think you need to wait for some time, approximately 2-3 months for getting official Android 4.3 update for your Samsung Galaxy S3 and Samsung Galaxy Note 2. Till that time, you can enjoy CyanogenMod 10.1 for your device, it offers much features and it is based on LATEST (officially) Android version that is 4.2.2 OS.

So when the update will release, I will try post it on my site. So friends, do you have any other news about Android 4.3 for Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2? If you have then please comment below with your news and don't forget to share this news (rumor) with your friends!


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