How To Add Contact Us Form In Blogger Blog

Hey! So, Blogger has many widget (don't compare with WordPress now!) and Blogger has made another cool widget that is Contact Form. Contact form is a basic need for a blog admin, he needs that his/her users can contact them easily and they also want to make Contact Forum for them but they think that it's tough. Blogger has added Contact Forum in their widgets so you can easily add them in your Blogger Blog. This will not take more than 5 minutes, yes! Now, we can add the contact form to sidebar or footer or anyplace yet there is no any other way to add it to any particular page, actually it is but for newbies, it's a bit complex so Blogger made it official! Users using WordPress can add it with a click and now even Blogger can do the same. It is very neat Contact form and looks professional. It is basically a Widget so if you want to edit it, you need to go to Template and edit template and then you can edit there. There are just four columns in form i.e. Name, Email and Message and the forth one is of SEND. It's superb and as I said it's professional so not very cool or superb. It just have things one need to send his/her message to the admin. You don't need to add your Email (to send the message), it will automatically send the message to the admin, if there are 2-3 admins, it will send to all (I think!). You can add this like the way you add a normal widget. So let's see how to add Contact form in Blogger Blog.

1) Open Blogger [] and sign in with your Gmail account.
2) Click on the Blog (title) in which you want to add Contact Form.
3) Now, when you will be on the dashboard of your blog, on the left sidebar, you will see Layout. Hit Layout button.
4) Click on Add a Gadget where you want to add Contact form. You can add anywhere, there are different templates with different place to add Gadgets.

5) You will see a popup with the title "Add a Gadget". Now as default, you will be in the Basic category and on the left you will see "More Gadgets". Click on it.
6) On top of the list, you will see Contact Form (I am not sure that it will be on first position, you can scroll it). Click on it
7) Now, it will display the widget overview, you might edit the heading of it. After changes Cick on "Save".

8) The popup will close now. Click on "Save Arrangements" on the top right.

9) Open your blog and you will see your Contact Form! You did it!

Now, you have added the Contact form in your Blog! it was easy na!? Please share it with your friends if you like this.


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